
I found Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart fascinating. I observed that Poe explored a different type of culture in the piece. Poe portrays the Narrator isolated in his own world. The vivid imagery used is centred around the Narrator’s thoughts and abstractions. Poe has liberally used anadiplosis to unveil such deliberations in each thought. Poe has used this style of writing to capture the introvert nature of the character. In doing so, Poe demonstrates how the use of language can illustrate guarded nature of the characters who live in their minds.

I found Poe’s writing style distinctively unique because of the manner in which he used language to portray the culture that was prevalent in the story through the characters’ disposition.

Since readers are not given any pre-requisite knowledge of the narrator, besides his guilt-stricken conscience, readers are unaware of the culture of the characters prior to the story. I felt that a background would be interesting, and decided to create this through the culture and writing style that Poe uses in his story. In doing this, I have tried to emulate Poe’s writing style by writing a First Person narrative of from the Old Man’s perceptive. I chose to investigate the Old Man’s character because he is silent and passive in Poe’s tale. All characters have a  story and his story also needs to be told.  The anaphora and anadiplosis used by Poe is present in my work, too, as an attempt to match the writing style. I hope to provide an answer to the unspoken question of the readers on how the Old Man gets the vulture eye.

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